Women’s Health

According to researchers at the Mayo Clinic, stress in small doses can be a good thing. To much stress can cause damage to the body in was you could never imagine. In small doses, stress is a good thing. It can energize and motivate you to deal with challenges. But prolonged or excessive stress — […]

If you’re worried about sagging skin as you age, this DIY facelift is a quick and simple way to get the youth back in your face – all without a trip to the doctor! Using everyday ingredients, each of these at-home facial treatments will smooth, tighten and plump up your face to give you the […]

DRINK THE POUNDS AWAY New research has found that we may be gaining weight not only because of what we eat, but also because of what we drink. One study1 followed some teens drinking as usual – cola, sports drinks and other sugar-sweetened beverages – while other teens shifted primarily to water and no-calorie soft […]

Tap your foot Your skinnier friends are probably fidgeters, who burn up to 350 calories a day just by tapping their feet or being restless. Try it for a few days. Walk around while you’re on the phone, or tap out a tune with your hands or feet (in the privacy of your own office, […]

Do you notice that the elderly are getting younger and younger every day?  As the 21st century began, slogans like “50 is the new 20″ and “60 is the new 30″ became a part of the American lexicon.  But now, we’re going to have to add “70 is the new 21!” Annette Larkins, 70, looks […]

Magic Johnson is known for many things.  He is renowned  for his basketball skills. He is a leading business owner and engaged philanthropist. Now, he is raising the bar once again by being forthright about HIV and AIDS. In his personal life, he has taken great care to make sure that knowledge, testing and education […]

I Love Oprah! There’s so many words that can describe who and what she represents.  I’ll share one, Regal. You can  see the elevation of her mission and vision through all that she does.  She never ceases to amazes me with her selfless acts of love and empowerment.

It seems like our favorite shows and channels have painted a scary picture of black women that America is liking…Loud, Confrontational and Dramatic.  Are we?  And why when there’s 2 or more of us, its a big mess?  Why is that?

What is seasonal affective disorder? Seasonal affective disorder (also called SAD) is a type of depression that is triggered by the seasons of the year. The most common type of SAD is called winter-onset depression. Symptoms usually begin in late fall or early winter and go away by summer. A much less common type of […]

Champion boxer and Dancing with the Stars Alum, Laila Ali and husband Curtis Conway are expecting their second child spring 2011.  She recently teamed up as a celebrity blogger with US Magazine to chronicle her pregnancy and share her journey the second time around. 

Tons of celebrity news outlets and gossip sites have shown confirmed reports of Superstar singer and actress Mariah Carey and her famed husband Nick Cannon are having a baby.  Various reports have surfaced about  this rumor for many months regarding whether or not she was “with child.”  Now we finally have a confirmation!