Our God is an all-knowing, awesome God. Which is why he provided us with passages on how to heal our inner wounds ourselves.

Sometimes, the responsibilities of life feel like too much to handle. Your job keeps you busy; the kids keep you running; and your schedule is jam-packed with things you don’t have enough time to do. All this can leave you feeling bogged down and burnt out! When it seems as though the weight of the […]

By definition, a distraction is something that turns your attention away from something else, and agitates your mind, and emotions. All the latest news on Donald Trump, investigations into Russian ties, who and what is racist, and Twitter hashtag-driven outrage, are all distractions. A distraction from what, you ask? A distraction from God and your […]

GETTY IMAGES: Let me tell you something you may not hear enough: remaining a virgin is a realistic goal. Virginity is not some far-fetched ideal that only the most “mature” Christians or stubborn prudes can stick to. The Lord desires that we all reserve sex for marriage and He does not require anything of us […]

GETTY IMAGES: Fear is paralyzing. If you let it, it instantly robs you of your ability to move forward with your life in an enjoyable and healthy way, and receive all God has for you. Though we know that “God has not given us the spirit of fear” according to 2 Timothy 2:7, we fail […]

After an ugly election cycle, America is so divided right now. As the body of Christ, what we need now more than ever is love. Here are 8 scriptures to help govern your dealings with others, so that the gentleness and compassion of Christ will shine through your life. 1) 1 John 3:18 (NIV)- “Dear […]

You may be one of the many people wondering, what’s my purpose in life? Now, when most say this, they are thinking, what will bring me success? Fame? Money? If that’s your line of thinking, you’re mixing up purpose with a career path—though the two do sometimes intersect. Our purpose, like our faith, is not […]

Today I’ve come to tell you never to give up on your dreams. Actually, I’ve come to tell you never give up on God’s plans for you; because to do His will, we often have to push our own goals to the side (Proverbs 19:21). Here are 8 scriptures to keep you motivated when things […]

When your day is going downhill, or you’re already stuck in the valley, it never hurts to open up the Bible and find some words of encouragement! Here are 8 go-to scriptures for the days when you’re feeling defeated: #1 Romans 12:12 (NIV) “Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, and faithful in prayer.” The […]

As we get ready to leap over into 2016, Bible Gateway has published its year in review, revealing the behaviors of the 160 million unique…

Oprah’s seven-night television special, Belief, will premiere this Sunday, October 18th on her OWN network.  Belief will feature different people of different beliefs and it will discuss the origins of various faiths. Oprah recently stopped by The Late Show With Stephen Colbert to promote Belief.  When tuning into The Late Show, one doesn’t expect to see favorite Bible verses exchanged, but that is […]

  “Jesus asks us to take up our cross and follow Him, no exceptions,” said David Bennett. “The question we each must answer is, ‘To…