“A visionary who creates something from nothing,” James Hunter says without hesitation when asked what his definition of the word artist is. By his own…

In the aftermath of the strong community outcry in 2012 about a proposal to place a statue of a freed slave in chains on the Indianapolis Cultural Trail, community leaders came together to create a new, more collaborative process. The Greater Indianapolis Progress Committee and The Arts Council of Indianapolis have commissioned artists to create […]

The internet is abuzz this evening with word that Lyfe Jennings has been sentenced to 3 years in prison for an offense he committed in Smyrna, Georgia. The offense was a DUI that occurred in 2008. While this hasn’t been confirmed by either camps, Lyfe Jennings tweeted this earlier this afternoon: This will be my […]

For you history buffs, The 54 named their band after the first official all black unit in the United States Armed forces during the Civil…