EXCLUSIVE: In their only broadcast debate, Democratic Rep. Andre Carson and Republican challenger Carlos May clashed sharply on a wide variety of issues during a formal debate Monday. The two men in the race for the 7th Congressional District seat appeared in a special edition of Afternoons with Amos. At times the discussion between Rep. […]

If there’s one mantra that’s always recited by politicians it’s “The American people want this,” and “The American people want that.” But based on the congressional gridlock surrounding the country’s deficit, it’s clear Republicans and Democrats are oblivious to what the American people really want, or need for that matter. Republicans and Tea Party members […]

President Barack Obama offered strong praise Tuesday for a deficit reduction plan put together by a bipartisan group of senators, calling the measure’s mix of tax changes and spending reductions “broadly consistent” with his own approach to the current debt ceiling crisis.

WASHINGTON — President Barack Obama said he will veto conservative Republicans’ “Cut, Cap and Balance” fiscal plan if it makes it to his desk. A statement from the White House rejected the plan, which conditions a debt limit hike on a constitutional amendment that would require the government to balance its books each year. The […]

During a senate meeting Tuesday, majority leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) called for talks on budget issues, as the country has found itself in great financial strain as of late. In true Democratic fashion, Reid proposed: “It is the sense of the Senate that any agreement to reduce the budget deficit should require that those earning […]