About Erica Campbell

Get Up! Mornings with Erica Campbell sets a new bar for syndicated morning programming. From the range of music styles to powerful interviews; and from the lively features to the fresh approach on news and listener engagement, award-winning gospel music singer and reality TV star, Erica Campbell creates a high-energy experience for listeners to start every day in FAITH, with LOVE and having JOY. Both the comedic genius and news savvy of Erica’s co-hosts allow for a fun twist on the serious issues impacting the lives of listeners.
With nearly two decades in the music industry, Erica Campbell has repeatedly topped Billboard charts and won every music award possible as a member of the dynamic duo, Mary Mary and as a solo artist. A devoted wife and mother of three, Erica shares her life with the world on her televised reality show, Mary Mary. No stranger to the public eye, the social media maven has over 2 million followers she personally engages daily with inspiration and pure fun.

Get Up! Mornings with Erica Campbell is the next natural progression of her career to extend her audience and share the life, music, and inspiration that makes her – ERICA.

The day has come! Erica Campbell's new book, 'More Than Pretty,' is here and it speaks directly to "doing the soul work that uncovers your true beauty." 

GRIFF reflects on how his upbringing shaped his posture—how he’s able to find peace in the midst of struggle.

Gearing up for his new album, Travis Greene released yet another music video. This time, for “Great Jehovah,” which is the third single off the 11-track Broken Record. 

What’s good morning without a good laugh to start the week off right?

Phil Vischer, the creator behind the popular VeggieTales show and brand, created another new staple for kids.

The crazy part about the flesh and the spirit is that you get caught in the crossfire when you don't pick a side.

The faith-based Kingdom Studios has announced a new television division to be run by Big Bang Theory producer Mona Garcea.

This week on Get Up & Move, Erica Campbell’s trainer Dawn Strozier runs down part-2 of her end of summer workout that consists of high intensity interval training using the agility ladder.

Mary Mary is going to be recognized for their contributions to gospel music in an upcoming award show!