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WASHINGTON — President Barack Obama’s campaign raised more than $70 million combined for his re-election and the Democratic Party during the summer, an amount that gives him a clear financial advantage over his Republican rivals even as faces economic and political headwinds. The fundraising total announced Thursday exceeds a goal set by the campaign of […]

As interracial families, mixed marriages and biracial children increase in the U.S., so do old stigmas and tensions towards them. One out of every seven new marriages is between a couple of different races, yet interracial couples and children still face tensions. Post-Racial? Black-White Marriages On The Rise Poll Shows That 86% Of Americans Approve […]

Are you at risk from listeria, the deadly bacteria now in the news because of contaminated cantaloupe? The death toll is rising in what is now the largest outbreak of food-borne illness in more than a decade. Listeria Outbreak Scares Nation The CDC announced Wednesday that 23 people have died from listeriosis, while another 116 […]

Bill O’Reilly had Tavis Smiley and Cornel West on his show on Tuesday and the group engaged in a heated discussion over the causes of poverty and the “Occupy Wall Street” movement. O’Reilly believes that people bare a personal responsibility for their own poverty, while West and Smiley argued about the government factors that contribute […]

When you notice that a friend suddenly won’t answer your text messages, tweets, texts or emails, this can be an unnerving and disturbing situation. According…

The Rance Allen Group has recorded with many great singers over the years and they definitely know good singing when they hear it. When the group travels across the country, they also love to stop and enjoy good choir music. There is nothing like hearing choirs harmonize and sing praises unto God. Read: Sunday Best […]

Occupy Wall Street protesters are saying that African-Americans need the most help during America’s financial crisis. Many protesters say that Black communities are hit the hardest, and should demand government support for education, infrastructure and jobs, and a slew of other causes that affect their communities. “If any other community needs a bailout, it’s the […]

Aiming to uplift urban communities through businesses that believe in economic empowerment as well as social responsibility, Rutgers University is hosting the first New Jersey Social Entrepreneurship Summit on October 19, 2011 at the New Jersey Performing Arts Center in Newark. The event, sponsored by PSE&G and Rutgers and Hosted by the Center for Urban Entrepreneurship […]

Call them riots or civil insurrections, when a disenfranchised population is triggered by an event that symbolizes their shared grievances, the consequences can be the unleashing of years of suppressed frustration and rage. While it is common for governments to blame the rioters, a detailed look at the causes show that the law and law […]

WHEATON, Md-Police say that a bus driver was stabbed after confronting a man who was masturbating on the bus he was driving. After several passengers complained a woman confronted the man an the bus river intervened in the conflict and was subsequently stabbed by the man. Bus Driver Sued After Attacking Teenager For Being Short […]

Black men over the age of 50 who take vitamin E may have a higher risk for prostate cancer, according to a new study.