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CAMBRIDGE-Defense lawyer John A. Amabile suggested that a mistrial might be possible yesterday after it was revealed that his client, Jabrai Copney, who is on trial for murdering Justin Cosby, was placed in the same transport van with Blayn Jiggetts, his former friend and co-defendant who had just testified against him and allegedly had a […]

ALASKA-Professor Bradford Scharlott of Northern Kentucky University has a paper claiming that Sarah Palin and Bristol Palin pulled off one of the greatest hoaxes in political history, passing off teenage Bristol’s baby, Trig, off as Sarah’s to avoid a political scandal. Gawker reports: Scharlott’s article walks through all the evidence supporting the theory, including the […]

TheGrio’s David A. Love wrote an article today focusing on the birther claims levied against President Obama since he launched his campaign for the presidency in 2007. Recently, the man on the attack, has been wannabe presidential hopeful Donald Trump whose appeared on every network TV show trying to discredit the president from his policies […]

Sacramento Kings fans will likely bid farewell to their beloved underdog basketball team as it heads to new digs in Anaheim. In what many speculate would be the team’s final game, the Kings refused to lay down quietly for the Los Angeles Lakers as the matchup went into overtime. Though the Kings fell eight points […]

Closure, that unpopular C-word that leaves otherwise sane people feeling stuck. Moving on from what was once an important piece of your life can be a difficult or painful thing to do. Without proper closure there may be sleepless nights, worrying and those awful “what if” questions pondering through your thoughts… not a great feeling […]

Since 2001, the African-American Almanac has provided readers with an increasing wealth of factual information on Black history, society, and culture spanning from the 1800s to the present day. ALSO READ: Oprah Scared To Back President Obama For Fear Of Losing Viewers To meet both the needs of today’s teachers and students, the almanac offers […]

Building a home business is one way moms can create their own stimulus package working from the comforts of their own home. Here are just a handful of benefits that moms enjoy when they take up this challenge. More time with family. This is a big one, and one of the main reasons that moms […]

Today’s words of wisdom comes from Tina Turner.  Tina Turner (born Anna Mae Bullock; November 26, 1939) is an American singer and actress whose career has spanned more than 50 years. She has won numerous awards and her achievements in the rock music genre have earned her the title The Queen of Rock ‘n’ Roll […]

From TheUrbanDaily Documents recently released by the FBI name late rappers Eazy-E and 2Pac as targets of extortion. The pair were allegedly targeted by the Jewish Defense League. Click here to view Pac’s FBI file “On September 11, 1996 [redacted] reported that JDL, and others yet unidentified have been extorting money from various rap music […]

This past Sunday, MSNBC hosted a panel titled “The Black Agenda” which received more press for the heated debate between Rev. Al Sharpton and Cornel West than for its focus on the issues affecting African Americans. TheRoot’s David Swerdick recently wrote a piece agreeing with Rev. Al Sharpton’s stance that we can’t blame President Obama […]

Illinois — With 130,000 children adopted each year in the USA, researchers find growing numbers involve kids whose race is different from their parents’. About 84 percent of children adopted from other countries are either trans-racial or trans-ethnic. The most common type of adoption in the USA is from foster care, which makes up 68% […]

New York — The New York Daily News is reporting that the MTA is using trains to transport garbage late nights collected from tracks by the work crews. A transit worker told the paper that he’s seen passengers sharing cars with big orange trash magazines. “I’ve seen stacks of bags, leaking, blocking the doorway, blocking […]