
Thousands of people joined the Rev. Al Sharpton and other leaders Saturday to commemorate the anniversary of the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.’s March on Washington in 1963. The event, billed as “Reclaim the Dream,” included a five-mile march that culminated at the Mall, where conservative talk show host Glenn Beck had organized the simultaneous […]

Barack Obama was “incredulous” at what he was hearing, said one of his top economic advisers. The president had spent his first year in office overseeing the biggest government bailout of the financial industry in American history. Together with Federal Reserve chairman Ben Bernanke, he had kept Wall Street afloat on a trillion-dollar tide of […]

For far too long, Brooklyn has been under the thumb of the lazy leadership of Congressman Ed Towns.

While the official Tea Party estimates of Saturday’s rally attendance may range between a gajillion and the fafillion, the company CBS hired to give an estimate placed the turnout at a respectably large 87,000, larger than the official estimates of turnout last year’s 9/12 rally but no where near the estimated 1.8 million that attended Obama’s inauguration.

A 20-year-old man in Sacramento was sentenced to over 149 years in prison for raping two women at gun point, although the crime is shocking, what the man had to say to the victims left the courtroom in disbelief.

Rapper Jasiri X has continued his string of socially conscious rap songs with “Beck’s Dream Is Dr. King’s Nightmare” in which he raps from the perspective of Martin Luther King and disses Glenn Beck’s rally. RELATED STORIES Sharpton: Beck Rally Goes Against Dr. King’s Vision Rapper Disses Tea Party With “What If Tea Party Was […]

As a getaway for two Democratic presidents, including the current one, Martha’s Vineyard is often disparaged as an undemocratic haven for wealthy white elites.

  As everyone on Blackplanet knows, the Black Panther Free Breakfast Program was perhaps the most creative, ingenious, daring and visionary of all their initiatives.

STEPHANIE ROBINSON SPEAKS Is Black on Black Marriage Dying?  Numbers seldom tell the whole story. They can be used out of context to make things look worse than they are, or to stress one aspect of a much larger and more nuanced picture.  

More than 100,000 Katrina victims from New Orleans flooded Houston after the storm in 2005.