
Comedy Central’s Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert plan dueling rallies on the Washington mall on Oct. 30.

Given the suggestion that President Obama might be a drag on the ticket in blue state Connecticut – which hasn’t elected a GOP Senator since 1982 – you might wonder just how busy the president’s campaign schedule will be.

Dear Senator Feinstein and Senator Hatch, Societies are judged on how they treat their elderly, their sick and their children.  For far too long we have failed all three.  The two of you have the opportunity and the responsibility to take a step in changing this course by passing the Youth PROMISE Act.  I write […]

A man suspected of shooting a Johns Hopkins Hospital doctor fatally shot himself and his mother, who was hospitalized, according to Baltimore police. Police have identified him as Warren Davis.

Police on Long Island say they have arrested a cross-dressing armed robber who held up a stationery store Thursday.

Jack Hands, a Texas man who is a World War II veteran shows that even though he’s 91 years old, he can fight back with anyone.

The briefing room spotlight shines brightest on White House spokesman Robert Gibbs, but turn the camera around and focus on the front row and you might just catch a glimpse of history being made.