
A recent study found that African-Americans are less likely to call 9-1-1 first when someone is having a stroke or heart attack. But a new study revealed that there are more factors to why we receive heart treatment late. Hospital quality plays a factor in why Black patients wait longer for treatment that they need, […]

A coalition of minority groups has accused the Republican led San Diego County Board of Supervisors of using redistricting to help themselves in upcoming elections. The power grab redraws political boundary lines to reflect the new 2010 census in a city where three quarters of the population is Latino. Jess Haro, a local protestor who […]

A program entitled “Not Guilty: The Tragedy of Wrongful Convictions in the U.S., and the DNA Evidence that Frees Them,” seeks to exonerate thousands of minority inmates who falsely end up on the wrong side of prison bars, due to deep flaws found in the legal system. Created by, “Not Guilty” provides tangible data […]

Researchers may have found new evidence as to why African-Americans die from heart attacks more often than others. According to a new study conducted by the Medical University of South Carolina in Charleston, African-Americans are more likely to have a specific kind of plaque that causes heart attacks. “For a long time, physicians have searched […]

Rev. Al Sharpton has expressed his personal opinion of Republican presidential hopeful Herman Cain, calling his politics a “joke.” Sharpton’s comment was said on “The Ed Show,” scrutinizing Cain, who has weighed in on the media squabble between comedian Jon Stewart and Fox News. In recent weeks, Stewart has candidly joked about Fox News on […]

A statue built for famed boxer Jack Johnson has sparked controversy in Galveston, Texas. Some homeowners complain it will create too much traffic, although some believe that the controversy only exists because of Johnson’s reputation for dating white women. Other home owners, like Helen Douglas, believe it is Johnson’s history that makes some want to […]

The Associated Press Sports Editors organization is attempting to increase diversity within the ranks by training and mentoring journalists of color. They announced earlier this year that 97 Percent of their sports editors are white. The new president of the organization, Michael A. Anastasi, announced that he will make a greater initiative to better hiring […]

AFRICA — A new trend of Chinese workers marrying African locals may be on the horizon. This rise of interracial matrimony is said to be a plausible solution to the overpopulation of males in China due to its cultural mandate of one child per household and strong proclivity for boys. The Grio Reports: Despite the […]

It seems that no one has learned from the Anthony Weiner scandal. A Louisiana councilman is now under fire for sending pictures of himself in his underwear to a city employee. Kenner City Councilman Joe Stagni sent the illicit picture over two years ago. “I had an inappropriate but consensual relation (sic) with an adult […]

An African teen who journeyed to Bronx, New York to escape military torture in the Ivory Coast graduated Tuesday from a school that specializes in giving students second chances. Ayouba Doumbia, 19, escaped his homeland after his father was killed at a military camp where they were being held captive. Doumbia’s whole life changed after […]

CHICAGO — At the brink of the tumultuous fall of former Chicago governor Rep. Rod Blagojevich, Javier E. David from The Grio poses the question of whether Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr. can overcome his host of scandals, including the initial accusation that he offered Blagojevich money for former Sen. Barack Obama’s congress seat and his […]

An opinion article on The Grio criticizes Republican presidential candidate Michele Bachmann and her recent erroneous comments regarding slavery and the nation’s founding fathers. An Excerpt Reads: Her latest gaffe came in the process of trying to clean up another gaffe. Appearing with ABC’s George Stephanopoulos, Bachmann continued to support her claim that the founding […]