
TORONTO – Director Spike Lee says he’s still waiting for Hollywood to open up to black filmmakers in a meaningful way.  Days before the Academy Award nominations are to be announced, the outspoken director says not much has changed since the historical 2002 Oscar wins of Denzel Washington and Halle Berry.

New Orleans –At its membership meeting January 12, 2011, the New Orleans Branch of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) adopted a resolution demanding that the mayor and city council of the City of New Orleans immediately request the municipalities surrounding the City of New Orleans to enter into a memorandum […]

LAFAYETTE — Antonio Pulliam dropped out of high school at age 17 after his second attempt to complete his freshman year. It took him another five years – along with two arrests – to decide he needed to finish his high school education. “It took me getting in trouble to come to this program and […]

OSAGE BEACH, Mo. — City police say they’ve learned criminals can swipe information on a credit card account without ever touching or even seeing the card. Thieves have found a way to take advantage the new Radio Frequency identification technology found on new credit cards and passports which was added to allow users option to tap […]

New York — As Eric Daniels was grieving for his surrogate father, professor William Daly, last October, he went to lunch with William L. Pollard, president of Medgar Evers College. Pollard had recently become president of the college after replacing Edison Jackson, the longtime leader of the college whose larger-than-life personality left a large imprint […]

Washington — The new mayor of the District of Columbia’s first week on the job remained relatively quiet considering the important events that occurred in the city and the country. D.C. Mayor Vincent Gray (D) spent his first full day – Mon., Jan. 3 — in private meetings on city business, but he was in […]

Washington — As Ashley Halsey III, in the Washington Post, reports: It is the kind risk teenagers take: darting across six lanes of traffic, paying no mind to the flashing sign warning pedestrians to await the green light. Wayne Cuffy and his buddies bolted across Landover Road on their way to the mall Tuesday night, […]

Detroit — There is no other city in the world that has helped shape the world of African American and minority car dealerships like Detroit. It’s a rich history that has helped fuel the success of auto dealers like Pamela Rodgers, owner of Rodgers Chevrolet, located in Woodhaven. Rodgers, a native Detroiter, has won a […]

Former GOP Senator from Pennsylvania, Rick Santorum defended his controversial comments about President Barack Obama and his views on abortion in which Santorum said “I find it almost remarkable for a black man to say ‘now we are going to decide who are people and who are not people.” To defend his comments, Santorum compared […]

South Carolina –The 2011 federal observance day of Martin Luther King Jr.’s Birthday, brought the 11th Annual NAACP ‘Day At The Dome’, a march and rally in protest of the Confederate Flag and social injustices in Columbia, South Carolina. Mildred Gaddis  of AM 1200 WCHB and over 125 Detroiters left no stone unturned  in their […]

Mississippi — The idea of a so-called post-racial America was widely discussed, debated and even seen as an achievement by some with Barack Obama’s inauguration as president of the United States. For Blacks in Greenwood, Mississippi, the notion that America has gotten beyond race isn’t popular today. Many are angry over the recent mysterious hanging […]

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M.-Tony Hillerman Middle School assistant boys’ basketball coach Tomas Vargas was arrested for allegedly asking a 14-year-old girl to perform oral sex on players if she wanted to be team manager. KOAT reports: Police said she claims Vargas was there with three players. She said Vargas told her she needed to perform oral sex […]