
When Frederick Hutson landed in prison at the age of 24 on a drug trafficking charge in Florida, he was surprised to learn that it…


A new report from MetricMaps details a shocking statistic — in 16 states in the nation, there are more people locked up in correctional facilities than those…


Double-dipping is a rule for a reason. And no, we’re not talking germs, but we are talking personal safety. Take it from this Akron, Ohio…


A Grand Rapids, Mich. woman was convicted Wednesday and now faces up to seven years in prison after she fired a bullet at a McDonald’s drive-thru…


After going on a 22-month hiatus following backlash from her racist remarks, Paula Deen will be returning to television. The Georgia-bred chef will debut her…


A mother from Cincinnati has been taken into custody and charged with aggravated murder after she allegedly beheaded her 3-month-old daughter. According to ABC 2 News and…

A judge in Sandy Springs, Ga. last week sentenced a sanitation worker to 30 days behind bars for, well, starting work too early, according to…

A Rikers Island correction officer who was being sexually assaulted by a convicted sex criminal was rescued by inmates after they broke the Plexiglas blocking the…

For many Black children born in the 1980s, Ben Carson is a hero. He is, as BuzzFeed’s Joel Anderson describes in a well-done profile about…

We like to think that in the United States, all people have rights and equality; all people have a voice. However, there are 65 million…

Did you know that at least 20 states have sentencing policies that allow them to determine the severity of a criminal sentence based on factors…