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In every chapter in the Book of John Jesus’ deity is revealed. In it we are able to witness eight of Christ’s miracles – turning water into wine (2:1-11); healing the official’s son (4:46-54); healing the invalid at Bethesda (5:1-9); walking on water (6:15-21); restoring sight to the blind man (9:1-41); raising Lazarus from the dead (11:1-44); and after the resurrection, giving the disciples an overwhelming catch of fish (21:1-14).

These events are shared to show us that Jesus is worthy of the titles He is given.

The Word is powerful, but what’s even more powerful is hearing the testimony of someone living in today’s world … dealing with the challenges you understand … in a geography where you can personally relate.

You generally know you are about to hear a powerful testimony when you hear the words “But God.”

Tiffany Jones, editor and publisher of POSE Magazine, did just that … and all I can say is “but God!”

Her testimony is powerful and it speaks to God’s grace and mercy. It is shared below. We welcome you to share your testimony with us as well.

Take a look into my life and see God’s grace. Ready?

1995: Went to college at 16 with a 3.5 GPA.

1996: Mishandled by a male.

1997: Had an abortion.

1999: Victim of a hate crime when in Washington, D.C. My car was riddled with bullets by guys in another vehicle because of the stickers I had on my bumper.

2000: Lost my maternal grandmother, Ganny, (one of the most traumatic experiences in my life); styled her hair in the casket.

May 2003: Academically dismissed from college with a 1.9 GPA.

2003: Spent most of the year in and out of the hospital due to major depression and 27 suicide attempts. Doctors administered electroconvulsive therapy, wiping my memory clean just to get a fighting chance at saving me from myself.

2004: Step-father sets my bed on fire, burning down the entire house for my mom and I to discover when we returned that night. We only had the clothes on our backs and my dog, Crucial, thankfully.

2007: Delivered from nearly a decade of homosexuality. (Bet you didn’t know that one!) More on this later…

2008: House fire; lost everything salvaged from the last one.

June 2011: Diagnosed with hyperemesis gravitum when carrying Sweet Potato.

July 2011: Lost 40 unhealthy pounds because I was unable to hold down ice. Severely dehydrated for months and given a PICC line for food and medication.

August 2011: Diagnosed with sepsis causing a 104 degree fever.

January 2012: An infection was found in my SI joint (in hip area) causing such severe pain, the doctors put me on walker once I was able to walk again.


December 2003: I asked God to keep me from being dependent on ANY psychotropic medications. I haven’t taken any since!

Since 2004: I’ve lived in some beautiful homes!

2007: Still no degree, but He favored me and built a business: BLUReverywhere (bka BLUR Custom Dezigns) was born.

January 2010: After 3 years of focusing solely on building my relationship with God and becoming the virtuous women in Proverbs 31, He sent me my “Boaz”.

2009: Added another business: The Consulting Studio

August 2010: Still no college degree, but He blessed me with directing Plus Academy Charlotte, creating POSE Magazine, and One Dollar College.

January 2012: Sweet Potato was born incredibly healthy!

April 2012: No infection found in my hip!

RIGHT NOW: I can share my journey with you and know He can do the same for anyone who will trust Him.


But God: One Woman’s Testimony Of God’s Grace And Mercy  was originally published on