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Source: Christopher Futcher / Getty

It’s become the sleeper controversial issue among several in this year’s Indiana Legislative Session.  It’s Senate Bill 101 dubbed the Indiana Religious Freedom Restoration Act.  The purpose of the legislation is to mirror a Federal law passed during the Clinton Administration that provides protections to religions and religious observance from government interference.  But the law in Indiana could allow individuals and even companies the right to discriminate against people based upon the religious beliefs or an individual’s or company’s religious objection.  While focus has been on potential discrimination based on religious grounds towards providing services to gays, others are concerned that this could become a backdoor way of allowing racial and gender discrimination on the grounds of a person’s religious beliefs.

Rep. Peter Breen

Rep. Peter Breen/Source: Illinois General Assembly

Illinois State Representative Peter Breen is a member of the Thomas More Society, a not-for-profit, national public interest law firm dedicated to restoring respect in law for life, family, and religious liberty. Breen testified at a hearing before the Indiana House Judiciary Committee in favor of Senate Bill 101.  He spoke in a live Afternoons with Amos interview about why this new law is necessary.  In the interview, Amos brought up a number of practical objections and concerns about the proposed legislation, concerned that it could open the door to discrimination against African-Americans and other minorities. It’s an Afternoons with Amos Interview you need to hear. Hear the Afternoons with Amos Interview with Proponents of the Indiana Religious Freedom Restoration Act in Our NEW Media Player. Runs 19 Minutes ©2015 WTLC/Radio. Starts After Brief Video Ad.