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Some, however, made fun of them and said, “They have had too much wine.” Then Peter stood up with the Eleven, raised his voice and addressed the crowd: “Fellow Jews and all of you who live in Jerusalem, let me explain this to you; listen carefully to what I say. These men are not drunk, as you suppose. It’s only nine in the morning!” (Acts 2:13-15, NIV).

Can you tell when someone is drunk? Intoxicated by alcohol, acting in a strange, foolish, and unexplainable way. Dominated by an intense feeling with power, are a few descriptions. There is another form of it not associated with the result of excessively drinking alcohol, but resulting from the excessive outpouring of the Holy Spirit, spoken by the prophet Joel which Peter told the multitude about in Acts 2:16-21.

See, I get drunk sometimes. Not from alcohol, but from the Holy Spirit. The experience is powerful and supernatural. You are not operating in the flesh. You are in the spirit realm; operating there. Things happen that you cannot explain, control, or stop. It is like an explosion on the inside of you. I feel it right now! It can happen during your private time with the Lord, or in a corporate gathering where everyone and everything is flowing together on and in one accord, watch out – you may get a little drunk!

I enjoy this kind of “drunkenness”, every time it happens in my life as a believer. If you have never experienced this kind of “drunkenness” before, it’s available to you as a believer. You may not do what someone else does when the Spirit comes upon you, and you don’t have to do what someone else does. Each person reacts differently to the outpouring of the Holy Spirit and the Holy Spirit touches and uses each of us in different ways. But one thing for sure that we all will experience when we are “drunk”, is the intimacy with and the power of the third person of the Trinity, The Holy Spirit!

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Daily Devotional: “A Different Kind Of Drunkeness”  was originally published on