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via News5:

Cleveland city leaders have reported a growing number of tenants are being victimized by unscrupulous landlords who rent them condemned homes.

Cleveland Councilman Tony Brancatelli told News 5 in many cases tenants are unaware the home they’re renting is condemned when putting down hundreds in rent and security deposits.

Brancatelli said it’s a situation that has tragic consequences when families are later evicted, or the utilities are cut-off, because the landlord hasn’t paid the bills, or the house is deemed uninhabitable by the health or building department.

Brancatelli pointed to one family that was left homeless, after renting a house on Forman Avenue that was condemned, the owner more than $20,000 behind in property taxes

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LOCAL NEWS: Cleveland Tenants Exploited By Landlords Renting Condemned Homes  was originally published on