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The process of keeping myself and others motivated is ever evolving.  Here are some questions to ask yourself as you strive to be who you want to become:

What do I love to do that I am not doing?

Who do I want to be when I grow up?

Why is this important to me?

What is holding me back from doing what I love or becoming who I want to be? Is my obstacle a lack of time, knowledge, skill, money, support, or belief? (Hint – sometimes, we are our obstacle.)  How can I overcome the obstacle that separates me from my passion? Do I need to carve out time, acquire knowledge, learn a new skill, locate resources, or build my belief? Who do I know, who can help me?

Don’t fool yourself into thinking that your time has passed. It’s only when we believe it is too late, that makes it so. Don’t hold back because you fear that someone could make fun of you.

Here is an exercise that may help you to get a clearer idea of who you want to be. Basically, you just visualize yourself going to a room, meeting your future self, and having a conversation with him/her.  It’s a very enlightening experience.

As you consciously strive to become the person you were meant to be, life becomes much easier.  Actually it would be more accurate to say that life is just as hard, but your capacity for handling it grows to the point where life seems to get easier.  You’re stronger, so the weight feels lighter.

What’s your vision of your higher self?  If you want to become this person, take some time to get to know him/her in your imagination.  Allow this vision to inspire you and to guide you.  Visualize the type of person you always wanted to be, and then hold that vision until you’ve become its physical embodiment.

Sending positive vibes – – – Robin Downes

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