
The National Federation of Republican Women (NFRW) recently held its annual fall Board of Directors meeting in Charleston, S.C. last weekend, dubbed “The Southern Experience”. The reports that controversial pictures of S.C. Senate President Glenn McConnel have surfaced online, with the South Carolina leader dressed as a confederate soldier posing with Black people dressed […]

Every year it seems there a news clip from some urban neighborhood with African Americans who maybe considered country, crazy, wacky silly or even stupid. Whether it be a leprechaun in the hood, whistle tip mufflers, a 7-year-old stealing cars or a flamboyant homosexual ranting against rapists. These clips go viral, get remixes and spread […]

The protester who burned pages from the Koran outside a planned mosque near Ground Zero has been fired from NJTransit, sources and authorities said Tuesday.

For the first time anywhere African American women can relax and straighten their hair without the fear of a burning scalp or hair loss, with new “green” alternative.

There’s a lot of talk about race these days.  But high-frequency chatter can obscure some of the more important longer-term trends shaping the lives of African-Americans.  Which is why Betsey Stevenson and I turn to the data, in a new paper, “Subjective and Objective Indicators of Racial Happiness.”  The full version is here, but David Leonhardt does […]

Varnette Honeywood, an artist whose paintings adorned the walls of the set of “The Cosby Show” and whose strikingly colorful images depicted tender moments in black family life, has died. She was 59.

D.C. Mayor Adrian Fenty fell to challenger Vincent Gray in a grueling Democratic primary that left candidates and voters waiting until 1:30 a.m. Wednesday before definitive unofficial results were announced. If Mr. Gray’s lead holds and Mr. Gray wins in November, it will mark the first time in the city’s history that a council chairman […]

Bronx voters sent scandal-scarred state Sen. Pedro Espada Jr. back to Mamaroneck on Tuesday.

The Tea Party movement scored another victory on Tuesday, helping to propel a dissident Republican, Christine O’Donnell, to an upset win over Representative Michael N. Castle in the race for the United States Senate nomination in Delaware.

Embattled Rep. Charles Rangel prevailed in a crowded Democratic primary Tuesday, with voters in his New York City district signaling they are willing to stand by the 40-year House veteran despite more than a dozen ethics charges pending against him.