(Indianapolis, IN) – It is Human Trafficking Awareness Month and Jessica Evans from Purchased, a local non-profit organization, is working to combat Human Trafficking. Purchased launched…

Incredible X-ray shows eight-year-old boy hidden inside womans suitcase as she tried to smuggle him into Spain … pic.twitter.com/pwhomFK7sb — DailyNew5 (@DailyNew5) May 8, 2015…


Why bringing back the Nigerian girls who were kidnapped and sold as brides is about a much bigger issue, and one that is almost never…

The topic of slavery has become quite the buzzword of late, considering the releases of high-profile Hollywood dramas such as “Django Unchained” and “12 Years…

The New Yorker has unearthed a horrible secret related to the staffing of military bases in the Middle East. Companies that are contracted by the United States to provide support services to bases in locations like Afghanistan routinely lure women far from their homes to be employees, where they become trapped. After traveling from locations […]