
On “NewsOne Now,” host Roland Martin discussed FAMU and other HBCUs being banned from playoffs because they are not graduating enough student athletes, according to the…

Data journalist Nate Silver predicted the 2012 Presidential outcomes in every state. Now he says the Republican Party has a good chance to take back…


Ben Crump called into “NewsOne Now” Monday to update Roland Martin on the case of Kendrick Johnson. Crump talked about a new development, anonymous emails…


The Republican National Committee announced a new ad campaign Monday entitled “Create Your American Dream.” According to the RNC, the series of ads features Americans…


In 2009, Toni Carey and Ashley Hicks created Black Girls RUN! in an effort to tackle the growing obesity epidemic in the black community and…


Attorney Ben Crump, lawyer for the family of Kendrick Johnson, joined Roland Martin on “NewsOne Now” Friday to discuss what he says is a major…


Aviation expert Jim Tilmon was a guest on “NewsOne Now” Thursday. He discussed the case of missing Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 and shared with Roland…


Former U.S. airman Michael Giles was jailed to 25 years in prison for standing his ground in Florida. He’s been in prison for four years now…


Friday’s “NewsOne Now” panelists, Julianne Malveaux and Angela Rye, told Roland Martin that the Democrats who rejected Debo Agdebile’s nomination to the DOJ’s Civil Right’s Division…


Attorney Lisa Bloom calls the George Zimmerman verdict a miscarriage of justice. She says, when the case was over, she just couldn’t get it out…


Congresswoman Corrine Brown joined “NewsOne Now” Tuesday to update Roland Martin on the latest developments in the Marissa Alexander case and explained efforts in Florida…

The 2014 Academy Awards will go down in Hollywood history as one of the most diverse. This year, not only did the show feature performers and presenters of varied backgrounds, but so did the winner’s list. Check out our roundup of winners in the major categories: Best Picture 12 Years a Slave WINNER. Making Oscar […]