
Another day, another black celebrity that has jumped on “all lives matter” train, this time it’s NFL player Cam Newton who has caused a social media uproar after an interview he did with ESPN was released. In the interview, Newton didn’t explicitly say that “all lives matter,” but he went a step further and proclaimed […]

ESPN commentator Stephen A. Smith has landed himself in hot water again for his views on race.

NewsOne’s Top 5 takes a quick look at the stories trending on NewsOne.com that you are talking about. Stephen A. Smith’s “Black-On-Black Crime” Rhetoric Gets…


As conversation swirls around ESPN’s Stephen A. Smith‘s controversial domestic violence comments, the man at the center of them, Baltimore Ravens running back Ray Rice, owned…


ESPN suspended Stephen A. Smith for his comments on the domestic violence. “The View’s” Whoopi Goldberg and “Morning Joe’s” Mika Brzezinski expressed similar views on their…

Washington — Appearing on ‘Parker Spitzer’ (weekdays 8PM ET on CNN), radio host Stephen A. Smith expressed his belief that Democrats have been “taking the black vote for granted.”