It has almost been 2 years since the terrible bombing tragedy that occurred at the Boston Marathon but justice is about to get underway today. Dzhokhar Tsarnaev will start his jury trial for his alleged involvement in the incident.     One thing that will be on the jurors minds will be a death penalty […]

One suspect has been confirmed dead and a family member has be found. Some would expect family to stick together in a time of tragedy, however this uncle has an entirely different approach! See his response to the tragedy below! FBI releases photos, video of Boston bomb suspects President Obama’s and Gov. Deval Patrick’s Speeches […]


Below are President Barack Obama’s remarks on the Boston Marathon explosions: Good afternoon, everybody. Earlier today, I was briefed by my homeland security team on…

Two dead, 22 injured in bomb blasts near finish line of Boston Marathon, Boston police say [Update, 4:30 p.m. ET] Boston firefighters have found what they believe is an unexploded device after the blasts, a government official said, according to CNN’s Joe Johns. Explosions happened at about 2:45 p.m., more than two hours after the first of […]