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FBI Release Images Of Boston Marathon Bombing Suspects

Source: Handout / Getty


Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, the 21-year-old accused of setting off a pressure cooker bomb during the 2013 Boston Marathon, has been found guilty on all 30 counts.

Tsarnaev was deemed responsible for the deaths of Krystle Campbell, Martin Richard, Lingzi Lu, and Sean Collier.

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A verdict has been reached in the Boston Marathon bombing trial, CNN reports.

After just 12 hours of deliberation, the jury reached a decision, the news site writes. Dzhokhar Tsarnaev is accused of 30 counts, including setting off weapons of mass destruction, for his involvement in the Boston Marathon bombing that injured more than 200 and killed four.

From CNN:

On Monday, the jury saw a video of the moment a bomb exploded and disemboweled an 8-year-old boy and ripped the leg off his sister. The blast killed a 23-year-old graduate student from China. The jurors heard more horror from April 15, 2013. At one point, prosecutors played a video that showed the scene after a bomb exploded — blood and injured victims everywhere and the sounds of a child howling. His mother lost her leg.

“The defendant brought terrorism into the backyards and main streets,” Assistant U.S. Attorney Aloke Chakravarty said. “The defendant thought that his values were more important than the people around him. He wanted to awake the mujahedeen, the holy warriors, so he chose Patriots’ Day, Marathon Monday,” a time for families to gather and watch the marathon.

Tsarnaev’s defense attorney Judy Clarke tried to persuade jurors that her client’s older brother, 26-year-old Tamerlan Tsarnaev, who died in a shootout with police days after the terror attack, was the instigator of the marathon plot. The younger man, Clarke said, was only following his older brother.  “If not for Tamerlan, it would not have happened,” Clarke argued.

If the 21-year-old is found guilty, the trial will proceed to a second phase.

That part of the trial will include evidence of aggravating and mitigating factors, and the jury will be asked to weigh elements that make this crime especially heinous against details from Tsarnaev’s background and mental health history that would weigh in his favor.

Seventeen of the counts against Tsarnaev carry a sentence of death or life imprisonment.

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Dzhokhar Tsarnaev Found Guilty Of All 30 Charges In Boston Marathon Bombing  was originally published on