“Food desert” is a term commonly used to describe communities with little or no access to healthy food, including fresh fruits, vegetables, meats and diary products. Millions of Americans — mostly poor, many African-Americans — live in these areas. In fact, the United States Department of Agriculture reports that about 23.5 million Americans currently live […]

A new study indicates that genes may explain about fifty percent of weight gain that begins in middle age. Researchers studied sets of twins who served in the military during the Vietnam War. Some of the twins were identical and shared the same genes, and the others were non-identical twins.After twenty years of follow-up, the […]

With summer right around the corner, it’s time to start thinking about eating healthy and getting in shape. One way to get on the right track is by organizing your kitchen, which will help you to save time, money and eat wisely. When you stock up on healthy foods and they are easy to find, […]

Everyone has their theory on how to lose weight and be healthy.  We all have tried some sort of diet or made an attempt to…

Your favorite shampoo and conditioner can help you regain healthy hair but they don’t act alone. To give your hair a boost look at what…

Many of us know 112 group member Q Parker for hits like “Cupid”, “Peaches & Cream” and “Only You” with bandmates Slim, Michael and Darion.  He’s  also noted with receiving esteemed Grammy and ASCAP awards during his music career.  Screaming fans all over the world have seen him grow and excel into a well-respected figure […]

Folks, the holiday season is approaching fast and furiously upon us.  The days are dwindling down till Thanksgiving? Are you ready for all of the food that will be presented on your table?

Losing weight can be challenging and sometimes our way may not be the best for dropping the pounds.  Taking small steps may be the key to losing the unwanted pounds and keeping them off for good. 

Foods that protect your body from cancer contain tons of anti-oxidants, vitamins, minerals and phytochemicals. Increasing your plant intake is essential to obtaining those cancer fighters. Here’s a list of 9 essential foods that can help fight cancer and keep you all around healthy as well.

You can say what you want about milk.  It seems like drinking this dairy product may assist with losing weight.  A recent study has revealed drinking milk on a diet may boost weight loss.

The most important choice a diabetic can make in their life if the food they eat. Diabetics should be careful to consumer foods that are whole, low in sugar, sodium & fat and that are preferably not processed.

The much talked about Superfoods in the world aren’t foods that contain magical powers. They’re foods that are rich in vitamins and minerals, help fight cancer and heart disease and improve your overall mood and well-being.