FEARLESS FRIDAY TOPIC Change Is Growth! If you think accepting change is difficult – try introducing it to others! You’ll have for enemies all those who’ve done well under the old system, and only lukewarm defenders among those who aren’t sure how well they’ll do under the new one. Resistance to progress is universal; it […]

WISE-UP WEDNESDAY TOPIC Are you Ready to Rise Up or Give Up? Depression has a mighty grip on our nation today.  Regardless of your emotional state-of mind, you can rise above your circumstances.  Just because you have a situation does not mean the situation has you! Depression convinced Elijah that nobody else on earth was […]

MOTIVATIONAL MONDAY TOPIC Your Life is like Wine – It Gets Better with Age Have you ever thought about the Wine aging process?  It’s simple yet complicated – similar to life. Only the top 1% of all wine has the ability to improve significantly with age after more than a decade and the reason is […]

FEARLESS FRIDAY TOPIC Got Change? Change is growth – so why do we fight so hard against it?  We all have areas in our lives we desire to see change; areas we know we need to rise higher or addictions and strongholds we need to break.  God has given us the power to change! Scripture […]

WISE-UP WEDNESDAY TOPIC Help!  I’ve Fallen and I Can’t Get Up How many times do we just give up, throw in the towel, and give in to defeat.   God wants us to e resilient – THE HARDER YOU FALL, THE HIGHER YOU BOUNCE! Think about this:  Suppose you received a package in the mail, and […]

MOTIVATIONAL MONDAY TOPIC Get “SELF” Out of Your Way! This week, I’ve decided to share short motivational messages to marinade on.  Messages don’t have to be long in order to be strong. Today’s short message focuses on “SELF” – self-seeking, self-serving, self-centered – all of these words describe YOU!  While remaining in this condition, you’re […]

Overcoming Life’s Biggest Obstacle – YOU! Part 3 In this week’s series, I will focus on one of THE biggest obstacles that affects YOU and YOUR LIFE – PROCRASTINATION! Stay with me because at the end of this article is a special offer that you won’t want to miss! Procrastination comes down to two things […]

Overcoming Life’s Biggest Obstacle – YOU! Part 1 I am often asked, “Cathy, what does it take to be successful? You seem to have no obstacles in life and doing very well!” People are surprised when I reveal my situation. From the outside it appears I am doing better than I am. Yet, I struggle […]

FREEDOM FRIDAY TOPIC Where is Your Life Headed? Part 3 By now, you have completed the mini-self assessment and have begun utilizing the start-up tips to enhance your life.  In this topic, we will explore more in-depth advanced tools and tips for moving to a higher level of awareness and transformation. As you may know […]

WEDNESDAY’S WORD TOPIC Where is Your Life Headed? Part 2 Did you complete the mini-self assessment from the Motivational Monday topic?  If not, go back and answer the questions. In order to transition your life for improved physical, mental, and emotional health, you first must assess where you currently are.  If you are in a […]

MOTIVATIONAL MONDAY TOPIC Where is Your Life Headed? Part 1 Do you feel like time is flying by faster than usual? Do you feel as if your entire life is being shaken upside down, or that you are going through unexpected or dramatic life changes and you feel more and more disconnected from yourself?  We […]

Irritable Male Syndrome By: Cathy Holloway Hill We had a fabulous show today on Kingdom Takeover today!  The topic was related to an illness that over 70% of African American men are suffering from but have no idea what is wrong.  It is called Irritable Male Syndrome, and some of the symptoms include: Irritability Moodiness […]