
Williams is set on claiming her 23rd title in a major tournament, and looks to accomplish a record setting seventh U.S. Open title


Retired Lieutenant General Russel L. Honoré discusses the aftermath of the historic Louisiana floods.

Gov. Bel and President Barack Obama declared a state of emergency, freeing up funds for flood related assistance.

President Barack Obama is leaving the White House in the only way he can: Absolute grace and style.


On Wednesday, President Barack Obama made history by issuing the largest number of commutations this nation has ever seen in one single day. In a move that has critics on multiple sides of the issue crying foul, Mr. Obama commuted the sentences of 214 federal inmates who were incarcerated for low-level drug offenses. President Obama’s commutation […]


In recent years, tensions between the African-American community and the nation’s law enforcement agencies seem to have reached an all-time high. The deaths of Alton Sterling, Philando Castile, Eric Garner, Sandra Bland, and a whole host of others have brought this issue to the forefront of our consciousness, as video of the circumstances surrounding their deaths […]


President Barack Obama says Donald Trump does not appear to have basic knowledge about critical issues and is “woefully unprepared to do this job.” “This job” being the President of the United States. Mr. Obama also questioned why Republican leaders continue to endorse Trump while at the same time repeatedly denouncing what he says. On Wednesday’s edition […]


Under a new law signed by President Barack Obama on Friday, food labels must declare whether or not the item contains genetically modified ingredients. In a recent study, researchers said they did not find any evidence that genetically modified organisms (GMOs) pose a hazard to human health, but advocates say the public does not have […]

@kwellscomm News & Sports Locally… Happy Monday, on this day to be extra aware in both, the morning and afternoon drive-time rushes. More school buses will be out today because Indianapolis Public Schools and several other school districts like Warren Township and Noblesville head back to class. For IPS, alone, more than 30,000 students are starting […]

@kwellscomm News & Sports “Day Four” of the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia is getting underway today with the delegates on a high from the previous night’s speakers. On Wednesday night, President Barack Obama spoke, raising the roof sending Hillary Clinton to the general election. He told the crowd, “There has never been a […]

@kwellscomm News & Sports Political Updates, The Death of Pastor Mike Jones, Back-to-School and the Dropping of Charges Against Officers in the Death of Freddie Gray Capture Our Attention on this ‘Hump Day.’ Today is “Day Three” of the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia. President Barack Obama is on-tap to headline tonight’s speakers. At “Day […]