An important key to letting go of the past and reaching your full potential is putting yourself in an environment where the seed of your dreams can grow. I know people who are extremely talented. They have incredible potential. But they insist on hanging around the wrong sorts of people. If you are close […]

    Lately, I’ve been thinking a lot about my commitment to being a lifetime giver. Growing up, I was taught the principles of tithing, so that’s always been a part of my life. When opportunities arise for me to sow financially into non-profits or individuals determined to make a particular goal, I give. I […]

  “In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.” -Matthew 5:16 The Swine Flu is not the only thing you catch at work. Turns out you are just as likely to catch someone’s bad mood and negative attitude. Yes, the […]

    Christians have a lot that they can be frustrated about these days. Many churches are in a re-invention season, church leadership has its hands full, the desire to read scripture is challenged by the gap in understanding, as well as the challenge of finding other believers who aren’t spooky or aloof to real […]

    Picture this.  It’s very early in the morning.  My husband and I are sitting on a plane in Houston preparing to return to Atlanta.   We’d had a late night so we were exhausted.  We settled into our seats and prepared for the less than 2 hour plane trip.  My husband pulls out his […]

  In the natural, what does it mean to give someone your whole heart?  Not a half or a part but your total, complete heart.  You have a love for them and nothing or no one could ever take their place, and you would most likely do anything for them.  Notice I said most likely, […]

  The work of Christ’s incomparable sacrifice was made perfect and complete in His miraculous resurrection. It was an act that will impact souls into eternity – and yet, the power of His resurrection is available for us to live by each and every day. The miracle of Jesus’ resurrection offers a profound message of […]

  One day Jesus is looking within some leaves and could not find any fruit on a fig tree, for the fruit appears the same time as the leaves do on a fig tree. Jesus then SPOKE to the fig tree out loud, for The Bible tells us that the disciples heard Him.  Next Jesus […]

  This week’s topic: God’s Guidance As the mother of a very intelligent 3 year old and an infant, I can attest that there is a different behavioral tolerance for both ages. My highly verbal toddler can communicate her needs, while my infant obviously cannot. Therefore, my expectations of each of them vary based on […]

  We lead such messy lives sometimes, directionally challenged, bad-decisions-scarred lives. And sometimes when we least expect it, we turn around and discover that we’ve sunken into a ‘pit’ that welcomed us so open-armedly that we didn’t even notice when our sinking began. Renowned Bible teacher, Beth Moore, teaches about the ‘pit’, and how we […]

    God is Holy and created us in His image to be Holy (Genesis 1:27). The Blood of Jesus has been released so we can be Holy. Wash us Lord and make us clean as a whistle I cry out. Even though this is a phrase  that is said maybe in washing cars or […]

    This week’s topic: The Power Of The Spirit A popular show aired on MTV a few years ago called “Boiling Points”, where everyday people were unknowingly tested while being recorded on hidden camera. The point was to see how much each person could endure without “losing it” and reaching their boiling point. Those […]